Organizing an On-Purpose Peace Fellowship Edition is an exciting endeavor. You’re inviting them to deepen their understanding of who they are in Christ and how to better organize their life around what and who matters most. This is life-giving, spirit-filled work that can forever transform a person’s life. Be bold in your invitations.
No marketing program replaces your personal invitation. Your sincere personal touch and/or looking-into-their eyes invite matters to potential group members. This page of marketing materials and such merely supplements your person-to-person outreach with resources, graphics, and ideas. Don’t rely on these items alone to engage people in the program. Your enthusiasm matters! Be bold, not in an overselling, hype-the-program manner. That’s not necessary. Stand firmly knowing full well that God shows up when we ask him to, and On-Purpose Peace opens the eyes of our hearts to Jesus.
Who to invite to participate in On-Purpose Peace?
Generally speaking, you’ll ask people like you! Broadly, we see the age range from 25 to 65, working adults, who are Christian (Catholic and Protestant), English speaking, and interested in having an active faith. These aren’t the pew sitters or nominal Christians who show up on Christmas and Easter. They’re actively seeking or solid in their faith and want to go deeper. They’re learning, growing, and leading in a variety of capacities at home and at work.
Life Application, not a Bible study.
On-Purpose Peace would likely appeal to a broader audience than a traditional Bible Study. This is about a Christian lifestyle or life application to create a powerfully practical living faith. As a result, you’ll find this experience may have broader appeal to especially to young married couples or those parents of younger children who feel swamped at home, work, church, and the community.
What groups have used On-Purpose Peace?
It varies. We see a lot of women’s groups affiliated with a church or Christian women’s organization, ministry or cause. There are couples groups, men’s groups, Lenten study groups, Sunday School groups, cell groups, and home study groups.
Several Christian colleges use On-Purpose Peace as part of their leadership training and development for rising juniors and graduating seniors.
On-Purpose Peace can be used as a workplace study for Christian ministries and businesses.
Remember to check out the Facilitator’s Guide and Facilitator Training.
Marketing Materials
Below are images and a link to a poster you can use to market On-Purpose Peace Fellowship Edition to small group members. Feel free to borrow language from this website to create your own marketing materials.
Social Media post image. Access it here.
On-Purpose Peace Poster (click to view pdf)
Various Images: