Are you looking for one-on-one help with being on-purpose? If so, then you’re looking for a coach—someone who is highly experienced and trained in the On-Purpose® process and methods plus has a proven track record with clients and personal coaching acumen.
On-Purpose Peace can be used as the agenda of a one-on-one coaching relationship. While the set of On-Purpose Peace and The On-Purpose Person are a tremendous “stand alone” resource, they are but the tip of the intellectual property iceberg. A coach authorized in On-Purpose can help you drill down more deeply, offer more options, and guide you through the process at your own pace.
On-Purpose Partners has authorized a select group of trained coaches to use On-Purpose Peace. Each coach has been through a certification process and brings a wealth of life and professional experience to the relationship. Any other coach using the materials for coaching is not as well equipped and trained to deliver to the same standard and understanding.
Generally, you can anticipate six 50-minute coaching sessions to complete the course of study. Some clients, however, prefer a slower pace and may extend to more sessions. Each coach sets his or her own rates. Anticipate, however, a minimum per coaching session rate of US$150 and up.
If a personal On-Purpose coach is out of your financial reach, your first and most affordable option is to join or facilitate an On-Purpose Peace small group. Partial scholarship help may be available on a selective basis. Discuss with each coach.
List of Authorized Coaches & Contact Information
Mary Tomlinson, President, On-Purpose Partners
Kevin W. McCarthy, Chief Leadership Office, On-Purpose Partners
Janet Cronstedt, Awakening Worth
JoAnne Muegge, Realtor® and Coach
Brenda Cordle,